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HEML Markup Rules Draft 2 (Sept. 23, 2003)

  1. @^|Heading| (text between symbols is H2 heading)
  2. @^^|Secondary Heading| (text between symbols is H4 heading)
  3. @*|bold| (text between symbols is bolded)
  4. @/|Italic| (text between symbols in italics)
  5. http://...URL...|optional title| (create a link based on http://)
  6. (create an email link based on mailto:)
  7. @image|...URL...|optional alt text|optional tags| (embed an image)
  8. @table|optional title|optional tags|
    |table cell|another cell|
    |2nd row|
  9. -bulleted list (- must be first character in line)
  10. --bulleted sub-list (a list within a list)
  11. #numbered list (# must be first character in line)
  12. ##numbered sub-list (lists only nest one level, no ###)

HEML Markup Rules Draft 1 (Aug. 26, 2003)

  1. @@Heading@@ (text between symbols is H2 heading)
  2. @Secondary Heading@ (text between symbols is H4 heading)
  3. *BOLD* (text between symbols is bolded)
  4. _Italic_ (text between symbols in italics)
  5. http://...URL...|optional title| (create a link)
  6. (create an email link)
  7. image|...URL...|alt text| (embed an image)
  8. |table cell|another cell| (table cells between symbols)
  9. -bulleted list (- must be first character in line)
  10. --bulleted sub-list (a list within a list)
  11. #numbered list (# must be first character in line)
  12. ##numbered sub-list (lists only nest one level, no ###)

Questions to
Created September 22, 2003; updated September 23, 2003